588: Union Yes, Cult of Confidence, & Old Music

Today Susie is all wound up about Bill Cosby and the new docu-series about him. We hear how the system was set up for Bill to successfully prey upon women. We learn about a little boy who snuck his book into a library’s shelves, and became one of the most popular books there. Susie describes…

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587: Slutty Candy, Moon Man, & Litterbugs

Today we cover everything from STDs to good tippers. First we hear why two trivia nerds should probably not be a couple. We learn how the patriarchy is so embedded in our brains that even objects are seen as male. We debate whether M&Ms were right to give the green one more sensible footwear. Sarah’s…

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586: Good Grief, Spray Tans, & Scams

Today we hear how Susie’s mom lost thousands in a scam. Susie bought a spray tanning machine, and Adam had to get university certification to use it. We hear about a woman who got stuck with a blind date for weeks because of Covid lockdown rules in China. Sarah reveals why she loves know-it-alls and…

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584: Smell-o-Vision, Naked Baby Lawsuit, & Chocolate Chip Comfort

Today we get an update on Sally Rice’s recovery, and Sarah is again reminded why she can’t be a nurse. We discuss how we make good party guests. We learn the importance of smell, how one man invented binoculars for his nostrils, and that Sarah thinks she’s “right-nostriled.” We hear about a lawsuit by the…

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583: Sarah’s Cockroach Fiasco, Regrets, & Post-Traumatic Growth

Today we hear a hilarious tale of Sarah battling things that scurry AND mysterious wetness all at once. Her worst nightmare is our collective moment of laughter, so we thank her. We hear how to extend your life by ten years with…games? We learn the science between mental, emotional, social, and physical strength that can…

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582: Frickin Bats, Dust Mite Invasion, & Listener Complaints

Today we discuss why some middle names are chosen a lot for seemingly no reason. We discuss the funny gifts Susie & Sarah gave each other for Christmas. We get a play-by-play of Susie’s mom’s house fire (why are our moms cursed lately???). Sarah loses her mind at the thought of dust mites “burrowing into”…

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581: Dr. Death, Hidden Valley Road, & Wheel of Fortune

Today we get an update on Sally Rice and how Sarah is getting a workout and a lesson in empathy. We hear about a surgeon who ruined the lives of his patients due to his own god-complex and psychopathy. And we hear about a doctor who got a slap on the wrist for BRANDING the…

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579: Sarah’s Mom, Marilyn Manson, & Reality TV Business

Today we hear what really happened to Sarah’s mom, and why optimism can be very dangerous. We learn why several women have accused Marilyn Manson of abuse and assault, and it has caused Sarah to have an existential crisis. Sarah explains why a 90 Day Fiance star is selling her farts in jars, but Sarah…

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