97: Galentine’s Day, Relationships, & Celebrating Love

We’re discussing love, breakups, marriage, and singlehood in today’s show. We especially want to celebrate the women in our life, so we’re pretty excited about the idea of thinking about February 14 through the lens of love (no matter what kind!). Join us for a conversation on love and relationships. Find out whether Sarah is…

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96: Activism–I Can’t Keep Quiet

We discuss activism and how to be a person of action. Everything from marching to protesting to downloading an app are all things that can be used to make your mark on the political landscape. We talk about how everyone has different gifts, but they can all be used to make the world better. Plus,…

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95: The Mandela Effect, Marijuana, & Memory Loss

Surprise! We’re doing two episodes this week. We had so much stuff to talk about that we couldn’t fit it into one episode. So here you go! You’ve been wanting us to talk about the mysterious Mandela Effect and why our memories are so flawed. We also share a pot horror story from, believe it…

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94: Ask Us Anything

Susie and Sarah take calls from listeners and give them advice on everything from love to work to religion. It gets real personal. Find out what we tell a listener who wants to start her own business. We give love advice to a woman who has a crush on a stand-up comedian. Plus, we talk…

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93: Scientology w/ Former Sea Org Member Mike Rinder

Leah Remini’s hit A&E show, Scientology and the Aftermath has made a lot of people curious about the inner workings of the religious organization. Today we answer some of those questions. We talk about how the group attracts members, why they are so controversial, and what the future of the group looks like. Plus, we…

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92: Invasion–Behind-the-Scenes of MTV’s The Challenge

This week we talk about the big news that Challenge:Invasion is coming out on February 7. We don’t give away any spoilers, but we speculate based upon what we’ve heard and the little we know about the upcoming season. Plus, we delve into the casting process on reality tv. We discuss how they choose cast…

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91: BONUS Episode: Death and the Afterlife

What’s that you say? You need a BONUS episode to get you through the week? Here you go! Today’s episode is getting morbid with a discussion about death, dying, and the afterlife. We lament the celebrity deaths that seem to be happening at a ridiculous rate. We talk about the rituals of death, the business…

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90: Reading is FUNdamental

Today is all about books, but somehow we got into a long conversation about murderers (leave it to Susie to make that happen). We find out what books changed the way we see the world, why we’re so book crazy, and what type of things we like to read. But seriously, there is a lot…

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89: You Say You Want a Resolution–Goals for the New Year

What’s the scientifically best way to stick to a New Year or anytime resolution? We’ve got the facts here. We discuss tactics for sticking with your goals. We discuss Sarah’s newest diet (she lost 16 pounds with one trick!). We discuss a frugal guru and his crazy tricks for living on a strict budget. Get…

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88: Dating & Relationships

Even though we’re old married ladies now, we were once swinging singles, and doing a whole lotta mingling. Well, Sarah was. We have horror stories aplenty. Find out why Sarah abandoned her car in the middle of the road, while it was running, and her weird boyfriend was in the passenger seat. Find out why…

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