177: The Combover Mystery, Cheesecake “Factor”, & Sarah’s Real World Audition

We begin with an earnest discussion about whether men with combovers are mentally ill, and why bald is beautiful. We debate the value of Roman numerals. We talk about the hilarity of Sarah’s Real World audition video, why babies seek meaning through words, and analyze the weirdness that is The Cheesecake Factory. Plus, the differences…

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176: Royal Engagement, The Business of Sex, & The Headless Chicken

We start the show with a conversation on the royal engagement of Harry and Meghan Markle. Susie discusses an article she read about a family who makes sex toys, and how the industry has changed over the years. Sarah can’t believe the tale of Miracle Mike, a chicken whose head was chopped off, and somehow…

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175: Welcome to the Real World (& The Challenge)

Every once in a while we like to satisfy your craving for some behind-the-scenes insight into your favorite guilty pleasure. In this episode, we answer questions you submitted via Facebook and email. Find out who failed the show’s psych test (and why we think the psychologist is questionable). Does production have “favorites” amongst the cast?…

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174: Child Prodigies, Modest Fashion, & Mobile Homes

Tiffany’s came out with a line of “everyday objects” including a tin can that they’re charging thousands of dollars for, and we can’t get over it. We discuss how modesty is in fashion, and why women are seeing it as a way to feel liberated. We hear about one man’s mission to get rid of…

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173: Silent Twins, Stylish Old People, & Sarah’s Injury

Ever wonder why older folks refuse to wear hearing aids? We take a fascinating look into the lives of the elderly, and find out why businesses don’t know how to deal with their needs/wants. We learn the crazy reasons why Japan has so many vending machines. We recount a bizarre story of twins who only…

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171: Death in the Air, Diamond Deals, & Doping Dogs

Today we discuss aging and whether we see the truth when we look in the mirror. Susie reveals the truth about diamond shopping, and why when you shop at the fancy places you’re paying tons more money just to get the box. Southwest is now letting bands play music on airplanes, and we can’t think…

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170: The Tragedy of Winnie the Pooh, Millennial Spirituality, & Burger King Bullying

Today we find out about the dark story behind Winnie the Pooh, and how something that brought joy to so many tore apart the author’s family. We discuss Burger King’s attempt to stamp out bullying with a hidden camera ad. We are outraged over a ridiculous Food Network “life hack” that complicates the production of…

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169: The Importance of Emojis, Shakespeare, & Sarah’s Theory

Today’s episode is filled with awesomeness. Susie shares how emojis came to be, how new ones gets added, and why one woman is fighting for a blue ballet flat emoji. They then discuss Shakespeare, and the curiosities of his life and times. Sarah reveals what the T-Rex is kind of a loser, and they speculate…

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168: Confessions of Ronald McDonald, Sexist Scrabble, & Girls in the Boy Scouts

Today we dive into the Harvey Weinstein scandal, and agree with Howard Stern that no one wants to see penis. We talk about some recent scholarship about food that was redacted, and why academia is a bitchy business. We discuss the Boy Scouts’ decision to let girls join, and hear about Sarah’s experience in the…

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