Today we find out why Susie had an existential crisis over chimpanzees. She explains why liminal spaces like hallways, parking garages, and abandoned Kmarts are all the rage. We learn tips on making your home cozier, and why it’s important for women specifically to repair their homes. We find out why mountaineers who thought they’d…
Podcast: The Brain Candy Podcast
518: Challenge Tweets, Glass Bridges, & Shark Dispute
517: Jeopardy Racism, Border Dispute, & Color of Colors
516: Failures, Big Noses, & Racist Graffiti
Today we find out why 2021 is turning into a year of firsts and failures for Sarah, and she’s none too pleased. Susie inquires about Sarah’s single life, and if she’s ready to start dating again. Sarah discusses the phrase “big nose, big hose,” and reveals whether it is scientifically true that big noses correlate…
515: Mormon Murders, Silent Treatment, & Canadian Tuxedos
Today we discuss the documentary Murder Among the Mormons and the reasons why booksellers are in a weirdly dangerous business. Sarah reveals her love of door-to-door salespeople and religious proselytizers. Susie explains the psychology of the silent treatment, and reveals why it’s toxic to both people. We discuss the baby boom among dancers, and why…
514: Mosquito Nightmare, Scorekeepers, & Side Hustles
513: Heavens Gate Cult, Racist Dancing, & Cow Eyeballs
Today we find out why Sarah regrets using a Val-Pak for a dinner deal. We discuss the biggest art heist in the world, and how somehow it became boring. Susie describes the Heaven’s Gate cult, why it can help people understand persuasion and human psychology. We learn about the origins of Nickelodeon, and why we…
512: Language of Pleasure, UFOs, & Rod Stewart Armpits
Today Sarah weighs in about the Frank and Cindy documentary. We learn about a new study that gives women the language they need to teach their partner how to be better lovers. Sarah went down a rabbit hole about UFOs and the “dark forest hypothesis,” and now we’re all freaked out about aliens. Sarah reveals…