648: House of Hammer, Reality TV Epiphany, & Memories

Susie wants to know what it is about alcohol that feels like a panacea. We discuss the bonkers new docu-series, House of Hammer, which documents the generational trauma, violence, and immorality of the Hammer dynasty. Sarah explains why Armie’s “BDSM” fetish is really a cover for a power kink, and what he really wants is…

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647: Biking Boys, Crepe Caper, & Artificial Art

Sarah had a terrible experience dealing with some goons at a bike shop and cried on a mountain as a result. She describes the incident and how it caused her to have “feelings about the feelings.” Then Susie shared a crazy story about having the police show up at her house over a CREPE. We…

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646: Brain Damage Jokes, Flat Earth Athletes, & Butt Ogling

Susie watched an old clip on YouTube of an actor acting strangely, and realized later that he was a literal psychopath. We discuss Shaquille O’Neal’s insistence that the Earth is flat. Susie goes over a list of ADHD traits to see if Sarah can relate with them. We hear about a woman who suffered a…

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645: Women in Space, Painful Orgasms, & Underwater Stonehenge

Sarah is already getting excited for spOoOoOoOky season and she is going to do an epic, witchy photo shoot in the forest to celebrate. All this forest talk made her think of the ways female hikers and campers get the shaft in the toilet department, and she reveals why they are stigmatized. We revisit the…

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644: Pink Jeans, Catfishing, and Violent Art

Today begins with a hilarious story about pink jeans that neither one of us saw coming, but, boy, are we glad it did. And it made us wonder if you keep an array of jeans’ sizes or just one size for every day. Susie discusses the documentary about Manti T’eo who was catfished by a…

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643: Parasitic Monks, Mountain WiFi, & The Sound of Hell

This episode is freaking great. There, we said it. Sarah received a letter scolding her from her neighborhood HOA and Susie thinks the HOA guy is a serial killer. We hear why a bunch of friars were eating their own poo (you know we love a good poop story). Mt. Kilimanjaro got wifi and it’s…

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642: Woodstock 99, Tommy Lee’s Wiener, & Dead Parents

Today’s episode got real dark, but we still had fun (we know, we’re weird). We discuss the aptly titled Trainwreck documentary about Woodstock 99, and we cannot deal with all the people swimming in shit, raping each other, and lighting things on fire. What is this, a Challenge? Anyhoo, Susie describes the new memoir by…

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641: Careful Driver, Dementia, & Volcanic Orgasms

Sarah is hopped up on muscle relaxers for this episode, so that’s exciting! Will she be extra jazzed up or super chilled out? We’ll find out. Hear why Sarah realized she cannot let herself go without food for too long or she’ll lose her mind. We learn a way to help prevent dementia, and we’re…

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640: Butthole Girl, Seat of the Soul, & Near Death Experiences

Susie’s kitchen is still being renovated and she had to perform a real life “floor is lava” scenario that was a real hoot (all those Challenge shenanigans really paid off). We discuss the documentary The Most Hated Man on the Internet and how people got caught up in the cult of personality of a sociopath…

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639: Horse Girl, Pageantry, & Goldfish Soup

Hear one souvenir Sarah brought home from camp that she did not want. We learn new insight into Sarah’s childhood that Susie cannot believe, and it remains mind-boggling that we’re still learning new info about Sarah after all these years. The Miss Universe pageant has changed its rules to be more inclusive, and we discuss…

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