Today we wonder if we’ll ever run out of things to talk about (and then quickly realize we never shut up, so we’re probably ok). We celebrate the genius of Swedish pancakes and Sarah confesses to a typo on Brain Candy merch. Susie has decided to join a cult, and her leader is none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger. She explains why he is her newest obsession and his motto is something she is going to embrace because it’s wonderful, but also because it’s the antidote to self-pity. Susie can’t believe what her son had to do in school, but Sarah says she had to do it too, and it’s no big whoop. We learn the new name for synchronized swimming and the reason why these amazing athletes pass out underwater. Plus we discuss the legacy of Little Richard, and how he was a trailblazer for the gay community, but never fully accepted himself despite his presentation as a flamboyant and fabulous musical genius.
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