256: Hangman, Love on an Airplane, & Brad Pitt Psychoanalysis

Today we celebrate the comeback of Michael Jackson’s white Thriller suit, we find out about a stupid burglar, and we learn how to teach kids sharing (& it’s not how you might think). We find out about the case of the missing insects, hear about how Brad Pitt dresses like his lovers (& we naturally…

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255: Kindergarten Pole-Dancer, Mystery Flavors, & Witchy Women

Today we discuss the latest fashion trends, & why Balenciega has Sarah all worked up. She describes a fire-related premonition she had, & why she was mad at the man at her “new moon party.” We hear about a McDonald’s poster prank, a pole-dancer at a kindergarten, & why geo-tracking might be Susie’s next adventure.…

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254: Don’t Call It A Comeback, Bee Cops, & Feminist Barbie

Today’s episode includes an awesome story about an Etsy seller who is changing her products to inspire girls. We find out that Barbie is now a woke women with a vlog inspiring girls to stop saying sorry. We find out about the bee cops in NYC. We find out why your childhood gym class experience…

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253: Dine & Dash Justice, Science of Fear, & Sarah’s Bungee Ban

Today we hear about squirrel population being solved w/ birth control. Susie is psyched about Olive Garden’s Pasta Pass. We discuss patriarchy of the thermostat. Susie explains the science of fear, & why we like scary stuff. Sarah explains why she’ll never go bungee-jumping. They learn about ants being put into manicures, an Uber “vomit…

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252: Love Island, Hometown Discrimination, & Close-up Magic

Today we find out why where you were born affects how much you’ll earn–even if you don’t live there anymore. We hear about a Swedish preschool that reverses how boys & girls are treated, & how it affects the students. We debate whether trans people should be portrayed in movies by trans people. We find…

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251: Love Masters & Disasters, Alpaca Doritos, & Farting Security Guard

Today we hear about a “catastrophic failure” at a fertility clinic, which gets us down, but then we hear a white wine emoji might be on the horizon. Susie describes the 2 kind of relationships there are. We learn that psychics might actually be psychic. Sarah talks about the alpaca that died from overeating and…

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250: Trivial Pursuit, Tinder Scam, & Tupperware

Today we discuss the change to the animal cracker packaging, & why people were outraged. We discuss a Tinder scam, & debate whether it was empowering for women or just gross. Hear about a toy made for “girls & some boys,” & we’re obviously outraged. Susie tells us why Tupperware’s lid changed the kitchen game.…

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249: Celebrity Urban Legends, Promiscuous Penguins, & Tantric Sex

Today we realize we’re super old, and would rather be in bed early than go to the VMAs. We debate the virtues of Cardi B, learn about penguins at the zoo who need paternity testing, & talk about how women are excluded from video game fame. Susie reveals why she did a Facebook purge &…

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248: Four Loco, Cheerleader Effect, & Disney Princess Science

Today we discuss the science of why Disney Princesses started looking more like babies over time, & why other cartoon characters have adopted the same look. Sarah rants about her latest emoji problem, & offers theories on why emojis look the way they do. We learn the science behind why people look more attractive in…

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247: Sarah’s Scare, Dating Trends, & Airport Outlets

Today Sarah is finally back from Italy and shares some stories from her journey. One story involves a very scary incident in a bad neighborhood, & why she has regrets about how she handled it. We discuss a prank being played in airports, Sarah’s lobster trivia, and disturbing stats about dating for men vs. women.…

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