Today we find out why production was shut down on a network show because of…poo. We hear why some people think the grocery store’s ethnic food aisle is racist. We learn how car roofs were originally seen as too *feminine* and we get ALL WOUND UP about men insisting on discomfort. It’s a whole thing.…
Podcast: The Brain Candy Podcast
528: Whale Tale, Changing Reality, & Night Pee
Today Sarah revealed that she finally broke down and started watching the Bachelorette. Sure, she doesn’t know the name of the bachelorette and refers to the men as “chicken boy,” et al, but there’s some real potential for some high-quality commentary. Hear why Susie thinks reality tv and its audience has changed over the last…
527: Hysterical Pregnancy, Feeling Small, & Scissoring
Today we find out about a very real and very weird phenomenon known as Couvade Syndrome, where a man develops pregnancy symptoms while his partner is pregnant. We debate whether this is attention-seeking, pouting, or sympathy pain. We learn about Pablo Escobar’s “coke hippos” and a little more than we wanted about hippopotamus testicles. Sarah…
526: Mindful Snack, Hangover Anxiety, & Boomer Bodies
Today Sarah is a live wire–her ADHD is providing energy and emotions, and we’re here for it. We find out about another high school yearbook scandal involving the “Senior mosts” or superlatives awarded to certain seniors, and we’re blaming Covid. Sarah reveals the reason why Dalmatians are fire dogs, and it’s not because they’re deaf…
525: Talking Dogs, Marriage Pacts, & Crossword Equality
524: Sarah’s Invention, Women’s Holes, & Dirty John
523: Slut Text, School Censorship, & Diamonds in Auschwitz
Today we find out about an accidental slut-shaming text that has us WOUND UP. We discuss a public school who decided to censor yearbook pics that they deemed to be too racy because of *gasp* too much shoulder, a shadow of cleavage on girl’s chests, and more while allowing boys to be scantily clad. Susie…
522: Sarah’s Vulnerability, Post-Pandemic Dating, & Epiphanies
Today we basically have a therapy session where Susie and Sarah switch roles and Susie offers insight about Sarah’s personality, life, and behaviors. We discuss food habits, childhood trauma, and mindfulness. Plus, Sarah reveals why post-pandemic dating might actually be better because people have changed their intentions since last year. She also discusses a recent…
521: Disgusting Food, Underwater Church, & Cheetos Scam
Today we find out why Susie’s ghost left her house. We find out what the Museum of Disgusting Food is all about, and why it might encourage ethnocentrism. Susie describes a town submerged underwater whose church steeple can be seen emerging from a lake. We find out why one man has been lying about inventing…