894: Love is Blind, Jack the Ripper, & Busy Beavers

It’s Sarah’s birthday party, and we are happy to celebrate this amazing woman! She is talking about her reality tv obsession, Love is Blind, and why the show feels ethical while also shocking enough to make great tv. We hear how the Jack the Ripper serial murder case has finally been solved over 100 years…

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893: Gen Z Lower Case, Brain Break, & Black Genius

Sarah is having another medical situation, and this time Susie is blaming all of her wild outlaw habits lately. Susie explains why Gen Z insists on using all lower case letters, and we’re wondering if the kids are alright. We discuss the Surviving Black Hawk Down documentary, and the ways the government, society, and media…

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892: Telepathy Tapes, Monopoly Theft, & Purple Lies

Today we’re preparing for Sarah’s 40th birthday even though she just turned 39. We’re going to give ourselves the gift of affordable healthcare for her milestone birthday (and maybe a head to toe spa situation). Susie thinks she is slowly morphing into that annoying tech bro who is trying to live forever. We discuss our…

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891: Barkley’s Marathon, Monkey Business, & Left-handedness

Susie’s mad at people for how they talk about a common ailment, so we’re debating the origins of this odd phrase. We learn about the hardest ultramarathon in the world, the crazy rules around it, and how a woman finally completed it after a 37 year run of only male finishers. A monkey turned off…

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890: Bob Dylan Science, Making Lemonade, & Broken Hearts

Sarah’s love for snowboarding has forced her into sleeping in her car, but don’t worry she is armed with aluminum foil to keep her warm. We learn about some scholars who have been sneaking song lyrics into their research and it is Susie’s dream come true. Sarah explains how scientists are boring into ice to…

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889: Childhood Trauma, Misophonia, & Existential Animals

Susie read a controversial article that is questioning the foundation of the psychological field, and explains why the author thinks our focus on our childhoods, trauma, and negativity are actually making us less happy and healthy. And we hear what you should do instead if you want joy and peace. We learn about misophonia and…

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888: Orion’s Shoes, ADHD Longevity, & VIP XXX Club

Sarah went on a date to the nerdiest place ever and we are here for it. And Susie spoke at a university and Gen Z made her have hope for the future. We learn what an ADHD dignosis means for your lifespan and why the symptoms of the disorder affect your longevity. Sarah explains why…

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887: Elderly Inmates, Influencer Lawsuit, & Bridge to Nowhere

Today we hear why Susie likes asking people uncomfortable questions without people getting offended. We learn about a technology being used to determine the contents of unopened trading card packs so the owner can decide whether to discard them or not, and whether this is an ethics violation of the tradition of collecting. Susie explains…

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886: Swim Lessons, Mouse 2 Dads, & Optimal Stopping Theory

Susie got into some trouble (again) and almost got booted from a concert. We hear what Boomerasking is and theorize why it’s so common now. Susie tries to figure out why an old clip of Road Rules that she posted was so evocative. We discuss a documentary short film about swimming and consider why it’s…

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885: Vow of Silence, Soup Candy, & Reality TV Surgery

It’s Sarah’s birthday month, and Susie is debating what to get the woman who only wants snow. We discuss the SNL documentary, and hear why auditioning for the show is a nightmare, we all need more cowbell, and there is one very weird season of the show that almost ended its run forever. Plus, we…

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