Susie is worked about the Anna Nicole Smith documentary, and the lies she told throughout her life to make money, the price she and her family paid for her lies, and why reality tv wasn’t her biggest problem. We hear some old gossip about why Eddie Murphy called out David Letterman for racism, and the way interviewers treat Black celebrities. We hear the history of the home pregnancy test, and how women used to be stigmatized if they even wanted to know whether or not they were pregnant, they waited months for confirmation, and were forced to wear gigantic tents instead of normal human clothes during their pregnancies. We discuss people who “lurk” online (i.e. consume everyone else’s content, but don’t contribute much of their own), and why it drives Susie crazy. We fact check an article that claimed priests would be forced to wear QR codes that say whether they’re predators or not. Plus, we find out what the record is for the person who has birthed the most babies in history, and we think it’s a lie.
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