898: Challenge Insecurity, Pathological Liars, & Lonely Teens


Show Notes

Sarah roped Susie into watching Love is Blind and now they have to talk about it (even though Susie is mad about it). We discuss the particular hellscape that is a reality tv reunion and the trauma it provides. We discuss why bangs are never the answer and you should never get a tattoo when you’re in the throes of life’s worst moments. Sarah talks about Belle Gibson who became a successful influencer, cookbook author, and lifestyle blogger based on a lie that she had terminal cancer she was treating homeopathically. We find out why young people aren’t getting romantically involved and debate whether that’s a bad or good thing. And we hear why reality tv causes insecurity in men and women in different ways. Plus, Susie explains what a “bed party” is and why people are spending lots of money for an instagram picture celebrating their kid going to college.

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