884: Audiobooks, Burn the Bra, & Brad Pitt’s Girlfriend


Show Notes

Susie somehow convinced Sarah to take off her bra on the air and Susie shares a shocking story about her implants. It’s a lot of boob content. We hear what scientists have discovered about how women’s bodies are basically going to save the world and we laugh again about them sending a woman into space with 100 tampons. Sarah is celebrating 1 year without a period, and Susie is very jealous. We debate whether reading audiobooks counts as reading and why it’s a different experience from reading text. We are very happy that a complete moron thought she was dating Brad Pitt for 18 months via text and gave him almost $1M.

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Episode Transcript

Brain Candy Podcast Episode 884 – Hosted by Susie Meister and Sarah Rice.


We’re starting.
Wow, we’re here.
Make any Buckets episode 884.
Hello, Susie.
Hello Sarah, how are you?
I’m doing.
I’m doing real well.
You look cute as a button.


Oh my goodness.
Thank you.
Your little tiny T.
Yeah, it is one of those I do, I it’s like the the baby T look.
I I was really into that when I basically I want to wear all of the things that I wanted to wear in junior high but didn’t think I was cool enough to.


And now I may be too old, but I don’t give a fuck.
Yeah, you’ve been psyched about the 90s fashion coming back for quite some time.
Overalls, You’re going to make overalls trendy.
I live in the streams.
I was just going through some baby albums the other week because my brother’s girlfriend’s pregnant.


We’re just looking at all the baby stuff and everything.
And it was, it’s like, you know, a highlight reel of my favorite overalls because it just.
Every picture for real.
Like all the ages, there was just.
All the ages, short overall stripes, long overall, like so and so many outfits.


I’m like, I would wear that today.
Whenever you were here in October and I was wearing my overalls and like, you kept having to like, fix them because I would like, get them all twisted and like, wouldn’t know how to get them back on.
And you were like, oh, you’re twisted again.


I mean, does that not happen to you?
I mean, it does, but when you you, there’s like a move that you do to to get them.
Yes, exactly.
I would imagine it’s the same thing that happens to people who wear bras all the time so that they don’t run into issues like I did before we started taping where I was feeling my bra line and was like wait a SEC, lift up my shirt.


My bra is twisted like right in the middle.
I do not know why you wear bras ever.
Well, it’s it’s a lot of nip in, in.
You feel like it’s distracting, like I’m just going to be staring at your nipple or something.


No, but it feels like if we were to post a video of it I it wouldn’t.
Not be great for.
I know I should do that shit, I should take it off right now, but.
If that’s why, what if that’s why we’re not hitting the big time?
Listen, if you were saying that the thing that we need is more like titty content, I don’t think me not wearing a bra would be our issue.


I think it would be you, sister.
No ’cause I think yours is more of like the cool kind.
Do you know like the rebellious like 90s like?
Like I’m not wearing a bra ’cause I yeah, ’cause I’m. 100 mine would be like.
I should.
What am I?
Doing there should be.
Take it off, baby.


Why are we?
I’ve been wearing these things.
In fact, it felt like a cage.
It’s funny.
The only time I actually do wear them, Yeah, is when I’m on the podcast because I’m like, oh, OK.
Oh, you can’t even tell.
Oh, the shirt fits so much better now.
You already got it off.
Wow, that didn’t take long.


And there is no difference.
There’s literally no.
It looks so good.
You don’t need that.
You don’t need to be trapped in that cage.
Oh my God.
Listen here on the Brain Candy Podcast.


We believe in letting those babies out.
For real, let them.
Why yeah, they don’t do.
Say that as an as an I’m, I’m newly.
Before I don’t have a bra on, actually I have on well I use the just the covers nipple covers.


Oh yeah, yeah.
When I try to put those on, the outline of the nipple covers is more noticeable than my nipple itself because they take up pretty much the whole thing and so.
Oh my gosh, I have to tell you this.


I went for my mammogram last week and you know, clean as a whistle but ruptured implant, no.
We have to do something about it.
What are you going to do, take it out?
This is an emergency 911.


You seem way too calm.
Well, OK, so the technician took is taking the images and she’s like, oh, you have a rupture.
You she she just said you have a rupture.
And I was like, what does that mean?
And then she said you have a ruptured implant.


And then she looked at my last year’s images and she’s like, you had it last year too.
And it should have been in the report.
It was in the report.
And then she pulled up the report and it was not in the report.
And so then she’s like, I’m no like radiologist, but like you should like see your doctor about this.


Okay, yes.
So then I get the new report and they’re like, looks good.
No mention of the rupture again.
So I want to go see my doctor but they’re going to have to replace it.
You can’t just walk around like that.
Absolutely they do.
And you know what, Suze?


I’ve always heard from people who get implants that there is a.
Like a lifespan, yes.
It’s like 9 to 12 years and I think you were right at that.
I sure am.
Oh my God.
But I really, I know it.
This sounds disturbing, but I really thought that was like a myth or just sort of like big boob trying to get me to get another surgery because, you know, you got to pay for it again, but the rupture you do not have to pay for.


So maybe I played my cards perfectly.
This is good.
OK, so then maybe you can get the size that you always wanted.
You’re you’re right about that.
These suckers are way too big.
Because I think a little bit smaller would be the perfect size.


I mean, not like I started.
To do a lot.
I am.
I am realizing this now, as a person who’s like happily identifying as very gay, that all of the time I.


Thought everybody.
Stared at women.
I thought every, like I thought that was something that everybody was doing that I mean.
They are pretty.
I mean, yeah, but we’re not like like.
Looking and then trying not to look like, you know what I mean?
Yeah, like I do that all the time.


And now I feel like, oh, this is great.
I just get to look.
You sure do.
I mean, I could have done that.
OK, So what you’re, what you’re getting at is you looked and you feel like mine are too big.
I feel like they’re.
I agree.
They if they were, they’re not proportional to your body.


They sure aren’t.
So if you’re going for a dollar five.
Barbie look, it’s the thing it hit check, but if you’re looking for something that like matches you who has a very it doesn’t need to.


It doesn’t need to match.
That was the problem at the beginning.
They used to match perfectly, you know, but they’re too big.
Within the range of what is humanly possible, you know.


I totally agree.
And if that’s what’s going on, they’re going to take these guys out and put something else in.
Do you think like if one breast is ruptured they only will cover one that?
Would be insane.
Because then I got to pay for the other one.
And then we have to imagine that the materials that are in both are who know like.


Compromised, yes, yeah, I would say.
And I feel like I have like a freaking lawsuit already that they didn’t tell me.
I do too that.
Is so crazy because she she pulled me over and showed me.
It’s not subtle at all.


It looks like a firework on my boob.
Oh I would be mad.
Is your other doctor a dude?
You mean my PCP?
Yeah, whoever, whoever was the one who goes.
Yep, looks good.
That was just a piece of paper they send you after a mammogram.


It’s like the man have cancer.
You’re good to go.
No mention of the.
This is why they need humans looking over shit.
This feels like something was scanned.
OK so you know when you go to the doctor and they give you a checklist of previous previous illnesses?


Like do you have any of these?
They do not have hysterectomy or endometriosis on there.
They sometimes rarely have an other box that I could check.
It just gives.
You these as in like these are the main ones.
And it’s so like.
Mine is so big that I’m do not have I, I do not have the same organs.


So can we add that on the fucking list?
If one in 10 women experience this and it comes with that many like this is going to affect so many other things.
So systemic.


That’s really the word I’m looking.
For yeah, for sure I.
Don’t like that they don’t.
So what I’m thinking is maybe, and this is how a lot of medical stuff is now, because the the insurance comes like see people faster do make this paperwork quicker.


Then it’s a drop down menu where they say do you see a tumor of this out, you know borders that whatever and they don’t have an option for ruptured breast implant.
I mean, maybe.
This is my theory, I’m going to go with that.


Like they’re like, not our problem.
Kind of like.
It doesn’t it because it’s not an option.
Yeah, that’s all that they’re looking for in because I wonder if it’s like it’s AI, because then it would have to have a diagnostic code.
And if it doesn’t have a diagnostic code, which I bet it doesn’t dude.


That’s that is Bonky.
I know you’re right, Sarah, I think and because I don’t have there’s no symptoms.
I don’t have pain or weird sometimes visually you can see a problem.
I don’t have that.
So maybe because I don’t have pain or like a symptom but.


Then haven’t you been having some weird skin stuff that’s come out of nowhere and that’s been unexplainable?
And the doctors are like, we don’t know that.
There’s like that.
With stress and you also have toxins leaking.


Oh my God, Sarah, right on my toys.
And your doctors?
Yeah, because I when we were together in New York, I kept having Sarah inspect these like things on my back that looked weird.
And we were like, what could this be?
Well, maybe because I have freaking a foreign body and.


Your skin and a lot of things I think in the past year have probably increased.
Great my God, you know what our pets heads are falling off Sarah, my God, our this.
Is terrible.
Our pets heads are falling.


Well, at least we have one good thing happening, which is that hungry root is basically the solution to every problem in my life.
And mine and it is Susie.
Why is no?
One talking about it, I don’t.
Actually know.


Yeah, I’m obsessed.
Every single meal I make is so good.
I’ve been trying to eat less meat.
I’ve been on like a pescetarian vegetarian kind of kick every single.
And then they say the meals are going to take you 6 minutes to make, 9 minutes to make.


And I think, no they’re not, I have ADHD, it’ll take me twice that long.
Nope, that’s exactly how long it takes.
I freaking love the meals.
Well, and you were so right last time when you were like, it’s not just like, you know, the meal kit thing.


It’s like a grocery shop.
And then they’re like, here are your groceries and here are some things you could make with it.
That’s more what it is.
And then you can edit it.
You can shake like if you’re like, oh, I like this recipe but I don’t I want this instead of this.


OK so anyway I’ll get my boobs sorted but like, yeah told me something.
Those teas and check.
I think, are you going to be, are you going to be our brain?
Yes, I’m trying to decide what I want to start with.
You know what, since we’re on the subject of Women’s Health and stuff like that, this is the perfect time.


I’ve had this on my list to talk about, but it’s always the one where I’m like, we don’t have enough time.
So I now I think there was, there was something that was passed, I want to say it was called like the Women’s Health initiative or something like that.
That was passed a few years ago.
Or now all of a sudden we’re finally getting all of these.


Not all of a sudden.
Fucking finally, is what I mean to say, fucking finally.
We are getting all of these studies on Women’s Health.
And you know, because people will start researching it and then you need a couple years to, to run studies and it takes a minute, right?


So now we’re starting to get some of the information from when this all started.
And one of the most interesting things that has come out that I thought you guys would all like to hear is the potential of menstrual stem cells.


Yes, holy fuck.
It’s humongous shit.
You mean to tell me that stuff that all y’all have been shaming us about since the freaking dawn of time?
Or maybe not dawn of time, but at least in modern society is the cure to a whole bunch of shit, maybe even the endometriosis that we were talking.


About yeah, because in the thing that I saw, it was talking about how like stem cells, like let’s say when you have a baby or whatever, I think you can harvest some from that umbilical cord, all that jazz, placenta.
But the period stuff has like gazillion times more.


Oh yeah, right, it’s exponential.
So in the early 2000s, there was a doctor named Caroline Garget GARGETTI, think that’s how you pronounce it, who identified stem cells in the uterine lining endometrium and recognized that these had these self renewing multi potent properties.


And she was able to see that these stem cells could transform into a whole bunch of different cells, cell types, like all the stem cells.
We were just like you were saying, the ones in umbilical cord blood.
And now they found that it’s like a non invasive, non invasive way to collect it.


And they’re even starting to use it.
Or like the future of of how they see this being used.
Maybe they’re starting it now.
Is repairing uterine linings, treating endometriosis, improving fertility, even helping people who have pelvic or organ prolapse?


And you know, they have those terrible like pelvic meshes that causes everybody to have like a class action lawsuit, you know, however many years later because that’s like destroyed your insides.
So it is, it makes so much sense to me how we always talk about like the cure for everything is like in nature and, you know, careful when you’re cutting down the fucking Amazon because that’s our cure to cancer.


Don’t you feel like part of the reason that this was so long, it it took so long to discover this is because everyone’s like, oh, gross.
Yes, it’s totally social taboos.
The fucking patriarchy.
Well, and also the viscosity.


Of it I mean.
It’s not just regular old blood.
It’s not right because it’s, it’s, it’s tissue.
It’s more, it’s their stuff.
It was only recently that we, we researchers, people who are cared like to examine these kind of things, were not using that ridiculous blue water to test tampons and pads like like last year.


I’m not even kidding.
I know they were like, hey, we should probably actually use because.
It’s not actually liquid, it’s like something else.
It’s totally different.
But OK, but see we put.


People on the moon before we took care of handling menstrual cycles like that is fucking crazy to me.
I’m so glad, by the way, that you reposted that 100 tampons clip because number one, it’s hilarious.
You did such a good job with it and it deserves to be reposted.


But also like this song is so funny and how she said they asked her if 100 tampons would be enough and then that phrase or she said because they weren’t sure if that would be enough or whatever.
Didn’t know if that was enough.


Because it’s just so funny that like, these dumb these, they’re not dumb.
Our nation’s greatest male minds thought a woman might need 100 tampons for like, what, 10 days in space?


Yes, I want to give proper credit to the woman Who who?
It really is.
So funny.
Her name is Maria Belski and.
She was playing.


OK, OK, OK, well, we’ll start from the beginning.
OK, wait, wait, you got to get the folks first.


It’s so great.
So good.
How did we find out about this?
How did anyone find out that that conversation took place?
I think Sally Ride.
She was like, you guys aren’t going to believe this.
Because she was the first woman in space, wasn’t she?


I mean, she was.
And she was the one who was like, guys.
She she was a whistle blower.
I’m pretty sure.
OK, well however we found out.
I just want to say thank you because it’s hilarious.
Will that be enough tampons?


There was an opportunity a while back for me to get you a gift of tickets to see her, the woman who sang that song in Pittsburgh.
And I don’t know what happened to get in the way of this.
Or maybe it was me thinking I don’t know if Susie will like like singing comedy but Sarah something.


Prevented me in the asshole for making question yourself.
If that opportunity comes up again, I will make sure that you see her.
Because my God, is that a funny song.
If she did, nothing else is funny, just that it’s a masterpiece.


It’s her one hit wonder, right?
Oh yes, and I think she has a whole thing about be coming from evangelical Christianity too.
And I was like, Oh my God, this is perfect.
There was something else that got in the way.
You must have been out of town or something because I was like this.


Susie has to see this there.
There’s a reason why I didn’t get tickets for you.
And you know what?
This all makes sense because I do feel like there’s a certain like sensibility of like covering evangelicals.
Yeah, yeah.


Or like you start to be like, wait, that’s insane.
And then you have to like, make art that’s.
Totally, totally true.
I feel like that’s like, yes, yes, that is that is, well, things are queer artists, I think truly, but they’re like, this is crazy.


All the weirdos are like, I cannot live in this world.
I’ll just paint.
Yeah, it’s fine.
Oh, my God.
Well, thank you, love.
I’ll tell you what else we love, and that’s freaking rocket money, because it’s the best thing in the whole wide world.


Well, if you’re a fan of saving money and making finances easier than you.
Off the air today, Sarah and I were talking about rocket money is if it’s like, it’s like church.
Yes, sacred space, it absolutely is.


Because I go in there every day.
It’s an app on my phone.
It’s a finance app.
So it’s where like I check the spending and what’s going out, what’s coming in, what the heck’s this and who’s buying freaking DoorDash again, Lincoln and stuff like that.
And, and it, it’s changed my whole life and it’s, I don’t know how to tell people more.


I know it.
It is I, I’ll and what I want people to understand too is it’s free.
It’s free.
It’s a free app.
I mean if I can’t sell.
Free app sell you on anything.
I’m just like, hey, here’s this thing that you could use that’ll make your lifeway easier.


And what I’m really excited about, it’s the time of year where I get all my finances in.
Order and then I speak to my.
Accountant Yep.
And then I I talked to my accountant and she says wow you everything is so in order.


Oh, you love that?
I love it, I love it so much.
Sarah lives for that.
It’s not me, it’s rocket money.
Well, but yeah, but we’ll take the credit happily.
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You’re welcome.
At any rate, stem cells in the menstrual blood are pretty much probably going to save our lives someday.


Yeah, they, even though they, they, it’s, it’s found to be so regenerative and able to, like I said, transfer into basically whatever you want it to be.
Whatever tissue, like a whole bunch of different cell types.
The menstrual stem cell research accounts for less than 1% of actual stem cell studies.


Because it’s disgusting.
Yeah, because of stigma around it.
Yeah, we need way more research on this.
Can I just say something?
Maybe I’m crazy.
Yes, go ahead.
Like when I go because it’s disgusting, and you go because there’s a stigma, because those are two different things, right?


One is me saying that’s gross and you saying like, well, there’s a stigma because people keep saying.
I’ll tell you, I honestly think because of the very fucking intimate relationship that I have had, that I had with my menstrual cycle, yeah, I do not think it’s gross.


I, I, I mean, oh, there was so much all the time and, and it lasted for so how?
Did that make you feel like it’s not gross?
I because it felt and because a lot of times the only thing I could fucking do.


I don’t even care if you all hear this, whatever this is how it was.
I would have to lay in a bathtub and sometimes the color of that bath water would be light pink and I didn’t fucking care because I was in so much goddamn pain.
Obviously, I don’t even have those.
Oh by the way, happy one year anniversary to the loss of all my organs.


Today is the one year anniversary of never having a period again.
I am really happy for you about that.
It’s it, let me tell you that has been fucking great.
And I don’t even think about it.
Not even one time.


There was this little bit of time where anytime I felt a little bit of something, I was like my periods, I’m sorry.
And then I was like, you don’t have one of those, but I don’t have any.
There’s there’s not even any of the D word.
I don’t really have what diarrhea.


No discharge, like nothing.
It’s like pristine.
I mean, I’m really happy for you, Sarah.
Not a single UTI sense.


I used to have one of those a month.
Did you really every month?
That’s awful.
Well, my my urethra was in a knot.
It was all twisted.
So I’ve been, it’s been great a year going strong.
Yeah, it is funny to think about a year ago what your life looked like and where you are now.


It’s all gay and periodless.
It sounds great.
It’s all the things I pray for.
Like I’m like, why do I have to be attracted to men?
Why do I have to have a period?
And you have solved both of those problems.


Yeah, damn.
All you have to do is be an immense pain for you about your 25 years and or more and you too.
I’m so glad that it’s over.
It’s great.
So yes, we need more.


Oh, that’s, that’s what I was saying is I, I, I I don’t feel like it’s that.
Oh, OK, Yeah, you’re wrong about that though, Sarah.
I mean, I get it, I understand why, and I do get for.
I do get it.
Yeah, in the same way that poop and pee.


And I will say there’s no worse smell than a women’s bathroom when you just know that everybody’s synced up like that is the that is on another level.
It’s right of it’s it’s.
Biological it is biological, that is, that is it.


We really should change the subject.
We definitely should, Susie.
Does listening to an audio book count as reading?
What do you mean count?


That’s a really good follow up question.
I think that is the important.
This is why you’re an academic.
Ask the next question.
Why did you choose that word?
Yeah, so that and that is where I I got hung up because I saw this article that came out.


Libby has done wrote a little article and and has examined some of the research that has been done on the benefits of like reading versus listening to an audio book, exploring what, Yeah, what are the benefits really?


So, and this is where I got hung up because I think the title of the article was does listening to an audio book count as reading?
And I don’t think anywhere they said officially like it’s not reading.
I get hung up on the word reading.


And really, what the article is saying is, does listening to an audiobook provide the same benefits as reading text?
Oh, I mean probably, I mean benefits.


What does that mean?
Yeah, another, another good.
I mean, yeah, yeah.
Surprisingly, audiobooks offer additional benefits that reading does not, which was really interesting and I think is is especially helpful for people like you and me who have a different way of.


Reading, yeah.
That is just looking we are we which people who don’t do this don’t know what we’re talking about.
And it is something that you have to train your brain to do.
It’s like speed reading totally where you’re not really.


Reading, you’re not immersed.
Not one little bit.
You are.
I’m trying to extract information.
I was just going to say receive information.
So yes, that is it.
You’re look and we’re like OK, looking for the information.
Your brain is trained in a way to do that and it it’s like in a way looking at a picture and being able to see the details without like scanning the whole picture, like going frame by frame or whatever.


But especially fiction really requires, yes, the immersion.
And there’s a lot that can be.
Sometimes I have to do a combination of the two, especially when I’m reading fiction.
I have to tell myself to slow down and read oral all of a sudden be like, wait, what the hell just happened?


And I’ll have to go back and reread it.
Which then helps no one.
But there are a lot of interesting and benefits to audio books that I think are important to talk about.
So excellent.
First of all, for people with ADHD, dyslexic, dyslexic, whatever you have when you can’t say the word, I have that ADHD, dyslexia or any kind of like learning challenge challenges that is super helpful for that.


The other thing that was one of my favorite parts, especially if you are reading the audio book or listening to the audio book for this month’s pick, House of Impossible Beauties, Oh my gosh, the emotional connection that can come through voice.


Narrators are able to bring such life and depth and warmth that I wouldn’t be able to do by just reading.
Yeah, I wouldn’t be able to provide the same.
Like the the characters in the book we’re reading this month have different cultural backgrounds.


And so this narrator read it with the different accents and from different neighborhoods in New York and different, like, sexual orientations and genders.
And that made it really fun to listen to.
It made me feel like more immersed in it and added kind of this more emotional layer.


And I always say my favorite book of all time is Project Hail Mary, which everybody’s like, what that’s your favorite book of all time?
If we’re going for most enjoyable book that I read that afterwards I was like, why can’t there be 1000 more of this book?


I’ve never read or a book that has or listened to a book that got me to the same place like it in in my heart or my mind or creative all the stuff.
Yes, that is absolutely number one.
It’s so fucking good because of the audio book.
I don’t think it would hit the same with the.


Was it reading?
It wasn’t read by the author.
It wasn’t read by the author and it was also done in this like a old timey radio show style where they had the sound sounds like sound effects.
Yeah, it’s cute.


It was so good, and so I love it just for that.
I think that’s super important.
Yeah, it added.
It felt like more of a movie to you.
The other thing that I think is kind of what we were hinting at before is audiobooks allow you to build comprehension and enhances pronunciation and tone.


There are so many words that you and I have both learned the pronunciation of on this show because we were like, wait a SEC.
That’s how we read it.
We’ve both done that, and listening to audiobooks allows you to like hear how words are pronounced, except sometimes they do pronounce them incorrectly.


And then as a listener, I’m like, that’s not how you say that, but for the most part.
For real.
Yeah, there it was something silly and and like very specific to Oh my God, it was something that’s like, oh, I know Buena Murray in the audio book that I listen to of the book the.


Danielle Lindman, yes, she put out, it’s called True story, I think.
Buna Murray.
Or whatever and I was like.
I hate the whole.
And I was like, that’s interesting.
That wow, that question.
If I’m saying, if I was saying right because the narrator.


Everybody fucking does that with that word.
Or is Adam, he says being a Marie like a Susan Marie instead of Marie.
But I, I don’t know if that’s a British thing or what, but I’m always like, why are you saying it like that?


Because you get.
You get hung up on it if it doesn’t sound right.
And I got hung up on it.
I was like, yeah, because I’m like, it’s something I was going to say.
It’s something that’s very niche.
Like, like I get it, but nobody else would door.
Oh, right.
Yeah, that was the one that that stood out to me.


But for the most part it really helps because you you’re not skipping over those.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, but it takes so long it.
I that is the thing.
It does take long and I.
Have some things to do here, people.
If I don’t listen to audiobooks for a while and then I start listening and I put it on like 1.5 speed, it feels like my brain’s going to explode.


I’m like, oh, that is way too fast.
But then if I’m listening to it regularly, I go all the way up to two times speed and it’s almost not fast enough.
You’re in the zone.
Yeah, I just read.


I just, I didn’t read this.
I saw this like an Instagram little, you know, reel or whatever about and I don’t even know who the football player is.
There’s some football quarterback who’s doing real well this season and he insisted that when he got drafted.


They include VR training in his quarterback like training and he’s so responsive and so good and that’s because he’s training at 1.7 times speed.
I was like holy shit and.


They said this is like.
Quarterback 2 point O who are going to be training with VR stuff and it made me think of this article or made me think of this like listening to audio stuff and how it may train our brain because then I thought about how what I I can’t listen to like it seems so fast and then it doesn’t take that long to where I can process things really quickly.


I wonder how else you could use that because it.
Looks like because.
Football players.
You, when we on our Patreon, which is where we talk about the challenge, we were talking about Challenge season 40 and you were like, I feel like they keep tacking more segments on like just to get more ads in or whatever.


And then I read this article about how a lot of people when they stream reality shows and certain other kinds of shows, they they watch it at like 1.5 or two because of the ways that these shows drag out things and repeat things.


And how like there’s a lot of like reaction shots waiting to hear who are you going to pay the clue?
Again, we’re like, yeah, we got it.
Don’t replay.
This exactly for the reason that you believed that they are trying to make the episodes longer so they can fit more ads in.


And so like the viewers, like if you’re if you’re not on your phone, which a lot of people like go on their phone while they’re streaming something.
But like, let’s say you’re at the gym watching you put it on 2.0 because I’m running on the treadmill.


I just want to get to the the point of it.
How annoying would I be at two times speed?
I have accidentally pushed that on our own podcast at 1.25 and I’m like shut up.
Like we are already fast talkers.


I feel like I’m a slow talker when I watch our promos sometime I’m like telling our editor Jerome, I’m like Jerome, like you gotta help me out of here.
Like I’m like speaking like at his nails pace, whereas you’re very quick, you’re very fast and efficient not.


When I try to slow down I end up talking real fast with brakes.
Oh, and then stammer.
Well, you can edit that out no problem.
Though I’ll tell you what, you shouldn’t edit out no problem.
And that is filters on your freaking air in your house.


Susie, when I moved into my apartment, they had.
Oh my God, I think you told me this.
Never did you take it out?
Of course.
Tell me what it looked like.
Like it never been there.
Like there was dust on there that’s as old as me.


It looked like with the with the style of of when it doesn’t look like it was sold in this, it was like millennia, yes.
Right, this is something.
That people forget about and and listen, I am we’re not here to shame anybody.


This is some a lot of us did not have.
You said it I.
Had to have somebody come and light my pilot light because I was like, oh shit, that’s right.
Those things go out now.
I know, but this is something that maybe you don’t know about that you do need to know about.


Oh my God.
The air quality?
Not so great.
Oh my God, it’s so bad and air filters are so important, but it is something that a lot of people consider like put off or like not worry about because it’s like a, you know, it’s not sexy like, oh, I got to change my air filter.


But as you know, in my house, I don’t have one single window in my house that opens not one.
It’s a death trap.
I’m not joking.
And the I’m sure the air quality is hot garbage because you there’s no filtration and so filter easy makes it much simpler.


They automatically send me the exact filter that I need for my house that I can just swap in.
I don’t have to like think about when’s the last time I did it, what size do I need?
It’s just automatic.
Here it is.
Got to change it.
And that’ll be a nice little cue for you to change it because maybe you’re somebody like me who in the past is like, well, I know I need to do this periodically and every three months really.


And so I buy them in bulk and then I leave them there for a whole year because there’s no queue, there’s no reminder.
I’m not going to remember once you don’t.
Notice the air.
But if it shows up in my door.
Yeah, I change it exactly.


And they have, they have something in it called a magic filter.
I like the sound of that.
And their next level, they last longer, they have 10% less pressure drop compared to ordinary cardboard edge filters you buy in the store.
I don’t know what any of that.


I do know what that means.
I spent a long fucking time looking up this stuff.
So sometimes you will notice that you will see a drop in the performance of your HVAC system when you have a very high level filter.


Because it’s filtering, it’s not allowing enough air to pass through.
So this will filter out the stuff it needs to, but it won’t affect.
I’m really glad you told me that because I had no idea.
Engineer and works in building HVAC stuff you you sometimes have to sit through lectures.


OK, well I love it.
And they are apparently made with love in North Carolina, which is adorable.
And they’re coming to your door and you’re good to go.
Filter easy takes care of your air filter, so you have time to take care of everything else.
Head to filtereasy.com/candy.


Use code candy for 50% off your first order, plus free shipping forever.
Once again, that’s filtereasy.com/candy for 50% off your first order, plus free shipping forever.
And make sure you use our promo code candy so they know we sent you.
Yeah, I want a.


Subscription service for the things that are freaking necessary like you.
Said it and I don’t want to think about it.
OK, so that is audiobooks.
Listen to them.
I don’t like it as much as reading though.


You don’t.
I love a book, I love a hard book, and I don’t even like e-books that much, but I’ll use them and I don’t like it.
Yeah, it feels like.
I’m on Instagram and I don’t like.
And I can’t read in that same recognizing like.


Way on because there are too many other distractions on the side.
The glow.
It just doesn’t let my brain do the same thing when I have an actual page I can.
And I like to write notes or make a note, a little tab on there.


Yeah, Yeah.
But I mean, it counts.
Like you’ve read a book, you’ve enjoyed a book, Whatever.
But some people get really Snooty about it and they’re like, well, it doesn’t count because reading it it, you’re activating a different part of your brain and blah, blah, blah.


Yes, you are.
But they’re also the audio book.
People can say the same thing to the reading people.
Well, you’re reading and so you’re not doing this and this and this to your brain.
There’s benefits to both.
All right, Yeah.
Calm down, everybody.


It beats a lot of other shit most people are doing.
And it totally does.
And it also is a nice.
I like it as a alternative before bed.
I like to listen to something instead of holding a book or.


What are you listening to in there?
Well, I’m listening to our our book club pick this month.
Oh, I see what you’re saying.
Oh, I thought, OK, got it.
And then I put a little timer on because I know I’m going to.
Fall asleep in 10 minutes.
That sounds really nice.
Actually it’s.


It’s a bedtime.
Oh, excuse me, Hiccup.
Oh, that was adorable too.
Stop me.
It’s so cute.
Oh my God.
Can’t take a bedtime story.
Good idea.
Yeah, it’s about OK.
Speaking of which, I saw somebody give their partner like they post a video about this on Instagram.


They gave their partner a reading of them reading their like favorite book, like an audio book, but they read.
It it’s romantic.
Isn’t that?
I was like.
OK, that’s a really good idea that I.
Would was it Was it lesbian of?
Course it was.
I hate my life.


It’s only lesbians who are going to do stuff like that.
And let me tell you, lesbians think about you.
What, Are you serious?
So much.
Think about you.
All the time, considering all the time, it’s like the best and and you’ll go, you’ll take a shower at their house and just like that, boom will be the body wash that you prefer and the shampoos that you prefer just right there in your shower and in their shower to accommodate your needs without you even asking.


Wow, I can’t believe that.
It’s the fucking best.
Because I know I say it a lot and I stand by it.
Like men and women being together is interspecies.
It feels like that.
It’s not this.


It’s not right because.
Then when it’s two women, you’re.
Like it’s unnatural.
Yeah, Well, I’m so happy for you.
Yes, OK, what else?
What else?
This this.
I feel like this feels very what do I want to say?


OK, I’ll, I’ll do this one.
This felt like a very brain candy story.
It’s it’s kind of sense come and gone in the news, but I want to talk about it again.
Did you see the woman, poor Anne, who was scammed by somebody who was pretending to be Brad Pitt?


Oh my God, this is the best.
Story of all I know I like we have to talk about it we.
It feels like so braid candy.
She is such a moron.


I love it.
I know you’re going to be like, we can’t victim blame.
And I’m like, we actually can.
We can.
Anne was a fit is a 53 year old French woman who was deceiving, believing that she had a romantic relationship with Brad Pitt and.


The pictures.
Oh my God, the pictures.
Are you know the pictures he sent her from his hospital bed?
Wink, wink.
Wink wink.
I mean, what’s it called the ChatGPT like AI, Those AI rent images.


I don’t even know if he had the right faint number of fingers in those pictures.
It’s amazing what the brain will do if it wants to believe something badly enough, like Anne really wanted to believe she was going to get to bang Brad.


I don’t I I wonder what this because the article I read was had it listed in in euros so or no?
Oh yeah, 900,000 U.S. dollars.
Nine, I’m more impressed than Ann had 900,000.


Guess how?
Oh fuck, how?
Divorce settlement.
Oh, no, OK, Because I’m like this woman cannot, you cannot tell me that she worked up a savings of $900,000.
It was smart enough to do that and then dumb enough to.


Her husband that he did earn $900,000 had to give it to this dumb bitch and then she thinks she’s dating Brad Pitt in a hospital bed.
Yeah, and for 18 months.


Why did she?
What I don’t know is why she thought Brad needed her money.
OK, so it wasn’t Brad.
Well, obviously, that originally contacted her.
It was pretending to be his mother, Jane Pitt, so they started the scan scam as posing as his mom.


Jane Pitt reached out to this French hooker.
Which already Jane Pitt already sounds like a fake name.
You know.
So really, Jane?
Yeah, it sounds right.
Well, that is her.
Her mom’s name.


His mom’s name?
Hey, but do you know that he is a descendant of the person who founded Pittsburgh?
Oh, really?
Yeah, it’s a real thing.
Oh, like his whatever white, great, great, great, grand, happy founded this dump.


There’s a new, I think it’s on HBO Max or whatever we’re calling that now, that is about the medical, like the hospital at Pitt, and it’s with the guy who is in ER and it’s by the same people who did Anthony Edwards.


Anthony Edwards, Yeah.
So excited to watch it.
They really want me to watch it like they’re, they want me to watch to watch it.
It might be because I’m sharing your account, but Oh no, no, Max might be mine.
No Max is mine.
Prime is we’re sharing.
What if a few of them we’re sharing?


It’s true.
Oh, I’ll see.
Like my recommendations.
I’m like, I think Sarah’s been watching.
Yeah, I was, I went to go log on to Prime and I had I like put it on to like me, like the guest account and the person I was with was like, well, why don’t you just watch Susie?
So I was like, I we’re not the same.


And then she took 2 looks like one look at my you know, for you page.
She’s like, oh, I get it.
What was mine?
What was it?
Well I shouldn’t say yours.
She saw what mine was and mine saw like snowboarding videos.
Like extreme sports.


Oh my God she is not.
This is either method acting.
She really loves this stuff.
I do.
I think I really love it.
Yeah, well, I’ll tell you this gal, what’s the French lady’s name?
Monique or whatever?
And she the OK.


Do you have the photos like pulled up on your phone?
Right now, no, I don’t have them pulled.
Up because do you remember the 10?
I remember where mostly Dead Space up here.
And it’s just like his eyes, like, yeah, in like a hospital bed and like behind a curtain, like he’s getting AC section or my.


Personal favorite was the one where it looks like he just popped into the screen where it’s so clearly like an overlay over a a what are they called?
Like stock photo?
It’s a stock photo of a hospital bed.
Like here’s the word to copy and paste him.


Brad Pitt sideways entering the photo like peekaboo.
Here’s what I don’t get, and maybe I’m weird, but like when I’m interested in somebody I’m Googling, I am.
I am going on the deep dive.
I will find their second cousin once removed and see you know what they may have posted about them.


I will find out every part of their life.
All it would take for Anne to crack this case was to for real Google.
Well, that’s when she found out it was a scam when she saw.
How long does this go on?
Like 18.


Yeah, I you.
Didn’t go over a year and a half.
I don’t even think you were committed to him.
She did she didn’t want to believe and I mean it.
I I do you of course you knew exactly how I was going to be where I’m like I get I understand that she’s seems like she’s struggling with some mental health challenges.


This woman that’s for sure not doing well and I I do feel really bad that she then became a mockery of.
You should not feel bad, Sarah.
Why do you feel like that?
I mean me.


I wonder how the story got out.
I do too.
That’s that’s how that will change how I feel.
If it was something where where if she’s somewhat, if she’s at in any way public about this or post anything about that, I’m like.


I hear.
You fair game.
So you’re saying just like somebody please will like get a load of this?
Yeah, then I’m like, oh, that sucks.
OK, I hear what you’re saying and I would not want to be her, but I also ran on day one.


Ran would have Googled it, right?
And so I don’t know what you’re doing with your life, Anne.
And the article I read called it a that that AI images were used to create a convincing illusion they they were using that term.


A little.
Because I.
Was not convinced.
Listen, yeah.
But I think.
When why did she think she was the object of his affection like you, that I think you shouldn’t feel bad just for that, that she had that kind of like, that’s the ego.


Oh yeah, you, Anne.
You’re the one of everyone he wants, Anne.
I mean, people will create whatever reality they want to create that somehow comforts them.


And it is.
And and whatever she went through that made her it, I feel like it must have been sad.
There must have been a sad situation.
Sarah, she got a minimum of $900,000 from that sad situation.


I’ve been in a lot of sad situations and I got $0.00.
OK this is true this.
I mean, that’s really nice of you.
This is true, but it’s kind of just kooky behavior and sometimes kooky behaviors.
Are you telling me that you think like, no matter what, that if you do something like that, that there is an element of like mental instability?


Or do you think a sane person could?
Are you just in?
I don’t think a sane person could.
No, I don’t either, Sarah.
I don’t, I don’t think so.
But it’s also it, it, it it’s so hard.


I’m, I’m having a hard time because I’m thinking about like, would a sane person join a cult?
And I think yes.
That’s different.
I know, but this feels like this feels like.
Cults aren’t scams at first.


It would be like if you started dating Brad Pitt and then he went bananas and you did.
You stayed.
That’s what a cult is.
Yeah, that’s true.
Was was just I’m very susceptible vulnerable to a scam and I wonder but because it it it seems like she must have been very no the $100,000 or the 900,000 settle the settlement from the ex-husband is really throwing me off because that means she was married once that because my my mind wants to be on this person wanted love so much and.


Maybe she was like, I was married.
Wouldn’t it be great if like, she fucking knew the whole time and was just like pissing away this guy’s money?
I would love for that to be the story.
Oh, oh, you.
You want me to say oh, oh.


You know, like she just was like I fuck you and your money.
I don’t give a shit.
Give it to bread threw.
It off the bridge, yeah.
I’m sure that’s not the case, but like, that’s the only way that I’m like, oh, OK, now I see where you’re coming from.
Yeah, but it is amazing that someone that crazy could get that much money in a divorce settlement.


But then it reminds me like Grey Gardens or Grey Gabe, whatever, that that grey.
Yeah, like.
That these these.
More money than cents.
Yeah, and then there was that hoarders with the one woman who was the interior decorator who had like the beautiful home and she went just really went through some tough stuff.


And now little little crazy.
The human brain is very fragile.
It really, really is, yeah.
And there’s always just like, something that that caused it to break.


And that’s what I have empathy for.
I would pay a lot of money to have a video of when whoever told this story to Brad Pitt because you know, he knows about it now. 100%.


And by the way, I hate that Brad.
I would go as Brad Pitt from one of those photos for Halloween.
And I hate that guy too.
Fuck that guy, Yeah.
I would just scammed him out of that that all that.
Yeah, I fuck that guy.
I believe he’s allegedly an abuser and a horrible person and unrepentant and blah blah blah.


Don’t at me.
I don’t want to hear about it, about how Angelina is the.
Worst or whatever.
Shut the fuck.
Up but regardless of that I would love a video of him hearing some fucking idiot.
He gave 900 dollars $900,000 to Hospital Brad Pitt, Hospital Brad Pitt and Jane Pitt.


And Jane Pitt with no checkmarks next to their name.
No, Yeah, you have to want to belong.
It’s like but it feels it feels like like getting scammed like that is like the female cult like not called like conspiracy theory like that.


You know that wanting to belong to something, wanting to.
There’s no community though.
I know, but I think it’s being chosen, it’s wanting to be.
God, I know.
And wanting attention and they’ll take attention in any way.
Even if it’s attention from a scammer, that’s still.


You’re so right attention there, but for the grace of God go I for real, Because if let’s say you’re like gross and you’re not getting any like cute and then next thing you know, Brad Pitt’s in a hospital bed barking up your tree.


I’m just like, I don’t even care.
So there’s maybe a part of you that knows it’s fake, but you’re like, nobody’s been texting me and now.
Somebody’s being romantic with me, even if they’re trying to get money out of it.
What’s the difference then?


I mean, you’re getting what you want.
You’re getting attention for pet for money.
Yeah, like if you can tap into the human psychosis of needing to matter.
You can really exploit that.
Yep, I think that’s what I think that’s what that is.
OK, well, you’ve come a long way I.


Feel Yeah, yeah, we.
Have thank you for sharing all that.
It’s so good.
Yeah, I’m so glad you brought that story up because I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.
That it’s been on my list too.
Good work Sarah.
These were excellent stories.


You know, just a job over here on the old podcast.
Reporting for duty with Brain and Candy.
Yes, thank you.
Thank you.
And I’m interested to see when we post the promo clips if your tits are the focal point.


I’ve been staring at them the whole time they.
Haven’t been erect or anything.
I know because it’s nice and warm in here so.
So then I think you’re fine.
It’s when they start saluting.
Yeah, and when I wear white T-shirts and it gets a little see through over here.
That’s what our show needs.


We got a breakthrough.
All the noise of these.
Podcasts, I know, and maybe a little tit can do that little little nip action.
All right, good work everybody.
Please visit the Brain candypodcast.com and check out all of our codes in the Candy code section section because is that what it is called?


Candy coats?
Yeah, ’cause when you use those codes, it helps keep the lights on over here.
And we’re going to go broke if like, all these fucking celebrities keep coming out with podcasts.
I’m looking at you, Dana Carvey.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And, you know, we got people like Anne giving all of her money away to Brad Pitt, so, you know.


Hello Anne.
I will tell her all kinds of nice things.
Oh my gosh, please.
We’ll give her so much attention for so much cheaper.
Maybe she just doesn’t know about your nipples that are going to be on show.
All right people, we’ll see you next time.



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