Sarah’s breakup has gotten dirty, and Susie is livid. Thoughts and prayers to that man. We discuss the Jim Henson Idea Man documentary, the price of changing the world and what you lose if you’re ambitious, and how his childhood may have had a hand in his demise. We debate a new Louisiana law that allows judges to require castration to convicted sex offenders. We hear about a woman who was fined $88,000 for accidentally collecting clams on a beach, and why we decided not too feel too badly for her. We find out about a percussionist for the SNL band who mysteriously disappears during the opening monologue, and some people want to solve the mystery and get “justice for Valerie Dee Narenjo,” and it’s hilarious. Plus, a man gets back at his HOA after they force him to put up a fence to hide his boat, and we love a petty neighbor.
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