There’s a new Banksy museum in New York that has not been approved by the artist, but if he were to sue them he might reveal his closely guarded anonymity, and we are delighted that someone might beat him at his own game. We discuss Kansas City Chiefs’ football player Harrison Butker’s commencement speech telling women to stifle ambitions, be submissive to husbands, and become mothers, and why the reaction of his coach and teammates (including Taylor Swift’s man Travis Kelce) reveal how misogyny is still accepted. We celebrate the Reading Rainbow documentary and the work Levar Burton and the show did to help inspire readers across genders and races. We announce changes to the astrological calendar that might affect which horoscope sign is yours! A town in Texas tried to have the largest gathering of people with the same name, but they failed, and we have some ideas why. We hear what age becomes a person’s measure of all things cool, and learn why political affiliation predicts how nostalgic you are. We learn about a new sport called slap fighting, the rules involved, and debate why men enjoy violence.
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