Susie kicks off the show sharing a story about a friend of hers who is using an app to meet new friends, and how hard it is to make friends as an adult. Sarah talks about the idea of a “best friend” and how this is a new phenomenon that is especially espoused by women, and is sort of ridiculous. We learn about people with extreme introversion and are known as “nocturnals” because they adjusted their schedule to sleep all day and stay awake all night to avoid human interaction. We find out why the cure for hiccups exists, but no one knows about it. Susie discusses the TikTok filter that makes you look like your teenage self and her theory about why Generation X and older are emotional about it. We are mad at Tiger Woods for playing a prank where he gave a male golfer a tampon as an insult. And Susie explains why the Be Real app couldn’t keep users interested in authenticity.
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