Sarah brought a whole lot of poo content, and we are learning so much! We hear why whale poo is basically saving the world, and whales aren’t getting enough credit. We loved Free Willy before, but now we love it even more (especially the soundtrack, come on!). We hear why dragonfly ladies have created the perfect way to avoid the annoying male dragonflies that won’t take a hint. It’s very relatable. Dude dragonflies, she’s just not that into you! Hear why Tasmanian Devil moms are savage, lobsters aren’t so elegant after all, and the Cats musical had a big problem related to cat bums. Sarah wants to know what kind of superhero accessories we would carry (or sit on, in Susie’s case). We learn about a reality show “experiment” that placed boys in one house and girls in the other to observe how they behaved without adults for a week. It did not go well.
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