Susie is singing the praises of the Pepsi, Where’s My Jet documentary about a boy who got enough Pepsi points to earn a jet, but Pepsi claimed they were just joking about the jet. Hear what happened when he sued the company and why we’re mad about it. We discuss Phil Spector’s incredible career in music producing dozens of hits in the 60s and 70s and innovating the way songs are made, but how he ended up in jail for murder. Sarah is more fascinated by his wigs than his music or the murder though. Susie explains why some psychologists are rethinking how they understand compulsive lying and why they think for some people it’s similar to Tourette’s or addiction. We learn about a room that was created to produce no sound and Susie’s annoyed with TikTokkers who claim if you spend time in the chamber that you’ll have psychosis or hallucinations. Plus, we learn why Liberace is more amazing than we realized, but he spent a lot of money and time suing anyone who claimed he was gay. Even though he was gay in actuality, he remained closeted for his entire rhinestone-encrusted life.
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