Today we discuss the Bad Vegan docu-series about a vegan restauranteur who got scammed by her partner. Susie claims this is not a scammer story, but is a story about a woman with an unhealthy relationship with her dog. We discuss Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of Theranos, and why she might be a sociopath. We debate whether she was just trying to keep up with the boys’ club or whether she lacked a conscience. Susie discusses an article about an increase in “harassment” towards Girl Scouts, but we decide this was a false flag, and the Girl Scouts need to suck it up because when we were their age… We describe the “backlash to the backlash” about Making the Band, and the reason why Susie thinks Gen Z is too sensitive and has overcorrected to the point of being lazy. Plus, we talk to Danielle Liedemann about her book True Story on the ways reality TV affects us.
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