Sarah is back from camp, everyone! And she didn’t totally regret going, which is mind-boggling. In fact, I think she liked it?? We hear how it went and why she is now a Care Bear. Susie gets mad about people who keep changing their pronouns and she can’t keep up. Sarah says that female characters in comic books are now drawn with boobs 300% times bigger than in 1940 (WHAT). We learn about a restaurant that is creating meals inspired by Fancy Feast. Cat food. Inspired by cat food. Sarah says there is a candy shortage and so she wants to CANCEL TRICK OR TREATING. Seriously, did something happen at camp that made Sarah’s brain be switched with another person??? Susie talks her off the ledge, and shares why Halloween is actually really important. Sarah explains a new technique for finding skin cancer that involves astronomy and Susie is into it!
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