Sarah shares her birthday tales, which included drunk snowboarding, fireball shots, and a ski lift near miss. It did not disappoint. She also describes how our listeners inspire her to be a better version of herself, which encouraged Susie who is starting to feel like nice gals finish last. We discuss motivations for success, and why Susie’s isn’t healthy, but possibly effective. Hear why some people think movies should have more sex scenes, and the myriad reasons they have decreased recently. Susie describes her first experience watching a movie that got her hot and bothered and why Road Rules introduced her to porn. We explain why kissing is more erotic than most full sex scenes, at least for women. Sarah talks about a radioactive capsule that went missing in the Australian outback and why it’s even worse than finding a needle in a haystack (which, by the way, would take 18 hours according to science). Plus, we have a drunk science session about bananas, x-rays, soda, and boobs. It’s a lot.
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