Susie is going to meet one of her comedy heroes, and she needs Sarah’s advice on what to wear, what to say, and how to become best friends with him. We learn about a Catholic group who bought user data to track the online activities of priests and monitor whether they’re using dating/hook-up apps. We discuss the idea of the “gay lifestyle,” and somehow ending up debating Bert and Ernie power dynamics. Susie describes AI-generated images depicting groups throughout history and the reason the photos do not accurately show how they would behave. We also hear why Russians think Americans are idiots and we all smile too damn much. We discuss culture that most people don’t realize is rooted in racism, and whether these things should be “cancelled” or if it’s just racism clickbait where white people police each other. In the end, now we know more than when we started, and as GI Joe says, “Knowing is half the battle.”
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